Thank you for your interest in being a speaker or nominating someone to speak at TEDxYouth@PoolesvilleHS! We encourage students, alumni, parents, and staff to apply. Even if you have no experience in speaking, we will guide you to make a fabulous talk, worthy of a TEDx event.
This application CANNOT BE SAVED. Please review the entire form before filling it out.
TEDx is a global program with rules and guidelines. Please make sure to read the TEDx Content Guidelines here. If your talk will violate any of these guidelines, your application will be denied. The maximum time limit of your talk is 18 minutes.
Please be aware of the theme of the event and try to share ideas close to the current theme.
Once chosen, we will work very closely with you to prepare and polish your talk for the event. If you have further questions, please feel free to email us at